Sunday, 25 September 2011

Proper Position For Taking Blood Pressure

What is the proper, the most correct, position for taking blood pressure readings?

First of all, you should sit down and wait for at least a couple of minutes. Do not cross your legs. Make sure you are rested. For example, if you have just been exercising then this will affect your readings and they won't be an accurate reflection of your normal blood pressure.

For those of you using a traditional cuff monitor, make sure that it fits properly. Many cuffs will have indicating lines that tell you if there is too much or too little overlap and a good fit or not. If not, you can exchange for a smaller or larger one from the manufacturer and usually for free. Make sure that the rubber hose emerges from the cuff on the inside of your elbow as this is where your brachial artery lies.

Whether you use a cuff monitor or a wrist monitor, the key thing is to now get the cuff or your wrist at the same level as your heart. For the former, it helps to have a table in front of you on which to lie your arm out.

Now take your reading. Remember, you need to take a series of readings during the day and also over several days as your blood pressure will naturally vary and what you want is your average. You can find some good info on logging your b.p. here: Blood Pressure Logging Sheet.

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Blood Pressure Logging Sheet

As you may well already know, a single measurement of your blood pressure is pretty much meaningless. Blood pressure varies throughout the day and even between days. It may be exceptionally low when you take your measurement of it might be exceptionally high.

Only by taking a series of measurements throughout the day and for several days can you then take an overall average. You can also learn a lot from your blood pressure range. For example, you may find that your blood pressure peaks when you are in your stressful job and you can then take measures to reduce this workplace stress.

A blood pressure logging sheet is a great way to do this. It's a simple and easy framework that you can simply fill in. For example, there is software out there that will do this. There are also blank spreadsheets that you can use such as this one that someone has uploaded to the Microsoft site for use with the MS Excel software.

One of the best ways though is to use an online form. This is a simple and free membership style web site where you log in and enter your readings. You can then share and compare with others in the community who are also similarly trying to reduce their blood pressure. One of the best sites in this regard is

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Water Fast For High Blood Pressure

Water fasting is a technique that is usually used to either lose weight or "cleanse" the body. But some people have also tried using it for lowering their high blood pressure. Let's see how this might work.

Water fasting is one of the most extreme diet regimes out there. During the fast, you can only drink water and nothing else. It can be done for a day or two or three days or longer. Some people reportedly fast for up to 30 days but that frankly sounds dangerous to me!

Before you think about doing a water fast you should do plenty of research into it. That's because a water fast can actually increase your blood pressure if you don't do it properly. If your reading is already very high then such a move could put you into extremely dangerous territory.

For example, some people say that using distilled water is a bad idea as it can flush the potassium out of your body, less so than for your sodium. Thus your potassium-to-sodium ratio is worsened, your arteries narrow and your blood pressure goes up. On the other hand, some experts recommend using distilled water! They say that your blood pressure may rise temporarily but it will normalize when you reach close to two weeks fasting. It can get very confusing indeed!

Water fasting is certainly not something without adverse effects which even its biggest proponents will admit. It is hard on the kidneys and it is a severe shock to your metabolic system.

If you do decide to do a water fast, it's advisable to speak to your doctor soon. He will probably not condone it but, if you still want to go through with it, then he can at least do some cursory checks. This is even more important if you have other medical conditions in which case he may forbid you to even try as it could be too much stress on your body. For example, if you have diabetes then it is not a good idea at all to do a water fast.

One other thing to say is that if you get any sudden changes in your blood pressure or any other vital signs during your fast then you should break the fast and resume normal activities immediately and not resume it before speaking to your doctor again.

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Monday, 5 September 2011

Allicin For Blood Pressure

Allicin is one of the many "super ingredients" that is beneficial for not just blood pressure lowering in those with high blood pressure but also for all manner of other ailments and conditions including acne, chronic fatigue, candida and others.

Allicin is an organic and sulfurous compound that is found in the highest amounts in garlic but also to a lesser extent in onions. It is a powerful anti-viral and anti-bacterial compound whose only major side effect is to thin the blood. Therefore, if you are already taking blood thinning medications such as Warfarin then it may not be for you but I'd advise you to check with your doctor first.

Concerning blood pressure, numerous studies have been done to show that it can successfully lower it in those with hypertension. Not just that, but it may also even reduce atherosclerosis (thickening of the arterial wall due to a build-up of fatty deposits) so this is a double-whammy effect in terms of benefits for your cardiovascular system.

The easiest way to get allicin into your diet is via crushed garlic pills. This way, you do not get the nasty taste in your mouth. Be warned though because your sweat may take on a different odor, you'll have to ask your partner and your closest friends for their honest opinion and see what they think.

When buying garlic pills, make sure to check the allicin content. This is not the easiest thing in the world to do. I strongly advise that you check this great guide as a reference: How to select a garlic supplement.

For information on studies done with garlic supplements to treat high blood pressure, here are a few to check out:
Silagy CA, Neil HA (1994). "A meta-analysis of the effect of garlic on blood pressure". J Hypertens 12 (4): 463–8. PMID 8064171.A. Elkayam, D. Mirelman, E. Peleg, M. Wilchek, T. Miron, A. Rabinkov, M. Oron-Herman and T. Rosenthal (2003). "The effects of allicin on weight in fructose-induced hyperinsulinemic, hyperlipidemic, hypertensive rats". Am. J. Hypertens 16 (12): 1053–6. doi:10.1016/j.amjhyper.2003.07.011. PMID 14643581.

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Sunday, 4 September 2011

Is My Blood Pressure Normal For My Age?

This is a common question I am often asked: "Is my blood pressure normal for my age?".

The question is the wrong one to be asking. It implies that it is safe for your blood pressure to rise with age. Yes, it commonly does rise with age. Nobody knows for sure why but there is a definite association between obesity and age. When people get older, they become less active but they also eat too much and for comfort - they start to eat when they are not hungry (otherwise they would not even become overweight).

The only normal blood pressure is between 115/75 and 120/80. Anything higher than this range is not normal, regardless of your age, and will be causing you cardiovascular damage.

Age is not an excuse for high blood pressure. For example, if you are at 140/90 and 60 years of age then it is still not healthily. I suppose that if you define "normal" to be what is common then it might actually start to become the "norm". But, obviously, you should not judge your health depending on what everyone else is doing. You should do it depending on what clinical research has proven to be the case.

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What Causes Blood Pressure To Elevate?

What causes blood pressure to elevate?

There are a few things. First, even simple exercise can cause your blood pressure to elevate. Why? Because blood moves around your system faster during exercise and so the pressure rises. But exercise is actually good for lowering your long term blood pressure. We don't know exactly why but it might make the arterial walls more flexible.

Anything that causes the blood vessels to narrow will increase the pressure within them (think of gripping a flexible hose pipe between your fingers and imagine what happens to the flow of water). One of the major factors in determining the width of your blood vessels is your mineral balance and chiefly your sodium to potassium mineral balance.

Getting more sodium in your diet (e.g. eating more processed foods with added salt) is not bad per se, but because it is not usually accompanied by a proportional increase in potassium (e.g. from fruits and vegetables) then it normally leads to narrow blood vessels and therefore increased blood pressure. This partly explains the huge differences in long term health outcome between a balanced diet and a terrible diet and is one reason why losing weight with a healthier diet (as is usually the case) can help you to lower your blood pressure.

Stress can also cause your blood pressure to elevate. The "fight or flight" stress response is actually an evolutionary instinct that has saved many lives over the last few million years. But today, we suffer stress due to modern problems and often while sitting down and with no way to get rid of the stress hormones that continue to circulate around our body and wreak damage, including giving rise to higher blood pressure. These stress hormones used to be gotten rid of when we or animals made our escape from dangerous situations. So stress is only useful if your life is in immediate danger. If it isn't, then stress is only damaging. You must get rid of stress in your life if you want to live a long and healthy life.

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Saturday, 3 September 2011

Will My Blood Pressure Lower If I Lose Weight?

Here is a question I received from a reader of this blog. She asks: "will my blood pressure lower if I lose weight?"

The answer is almost certainly it will.

High blood pressure and obesity have a high correlation. Those who are overweight are more likely to have high blood pressure and the more you are overweight then the higher your blood pressure is likely to be.

Does this means that being obese causes higher blood pressure? This is not clear and the relationship between the two is complicated. One thing for sure is that those who are overweight are more likely to have a poor diet, especially one that contains too much salt.

By the way, it's not just your weight that is important but also your levels of activity (they don't have to necessarily be high but they should at least be moderate) and also your stress levels. If you neglect any of these three things then you can still have high blood pressure and the increased risk of cardiovascular disease that it brings with it.

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What Are Some Ways I Can Lower My Blood Pressure? 5 Great Tips

What are some ways that you can lower your blood pressure? Well, the good news is that there are many. Here are 5 hot tips that you can use to lower your arterial blood pressure and therefore reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

L-Theanine Supplement

This supplement contains a natural amino acid that is found in green tea, especially green tea. It is basically one of nature's natural sedatives and reduces both physical and mental stress but without making you feel "hazy" like antidepressant drugs might do to you.

Salt Substitute

High sodium is known to be related to high blood pressure. This is because your sodium to potassium ratio is important for the width of your arteries. One great way to get a lower ratio is to use less salt and instead use a potassium-based salt alternative. You can get one from most health stores and even some supermarkets.

More Cardio

Cardiovascular exercise is known to help lower blood pressure in the long term, even though it increases it temporarily whilst doing the actual exercise concerned. Nobody knows exactly why it is beneficial for blood pressure but it might make the arterial walls more flexible.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is linked to high blood pressure. It is also unhealthy for many other reasons as I am sure you are aware. Quitting smoking will have huge health benefits for you. I know it is hard because I have been there too. I recommend Allen Carr's EasyWay method. It worked for me and it can work for you too.

Garlic Capsules

There is a chemical in garlic (and also in onions but to a lesser extent) called allicin. Studies have shown that this can lower your blood pressure. But garlic in cooking has nowhere near the same effects because allicin is destroyed by cooking.

For best results, get your hands on capsules containing raw garlic powder.

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Thursday, 1 September 2011

How To Fit A Blood Pressure Cuff

How do you fit a blood pressure cuff so that you get accurate readings? Because incorrect placement can either needlessly make you think you have too high a blood pressure (you might actually be healthy) or you might think you have a lower and healthier blood pressure than you really do. Either way, you need an accurate reading!

The first thing is to get a good fitting cuff. Good cuffs will come with an indication line that tells you wear the velcro end of the cuff should finish (it should lie within a zone specified by two lines). Or there my be some other instructions that come with the cuff so you can tell if it fits you correctly or not. Most blood pressure monitors come with instructions on how to replace your cuff free of charge. Some monitors even come with two cuffs!

After fitting it, you should make sure that the cuff is level with your heart, otherwise you will get a slightly incorrect reading. This is much easier to do if you lay your arm out on a table in front of you. Keep both feet flat on the ground and make sure you have been in this position for at least 30 seconds because sudden movements before a reading can affect it.

Now you just need to take your reading several times over the course of a day because it can fluctuate slightly. Take an average and this is your effective blood pressure reading. If it is over 120/80 then you should do something about it to lower it to this value or to between 115/75 and 120/80. Anything higher than this range is doing damage to your cardiovascular system that you should not ignore. You will find plenty of good tips elsewhere on this site for doing so.

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Can Blood Pressure Meds Make You Go Blind?

Can blood pressure meds make you go blind? Well, not that I have heard about.

Blood pressure meds are well known for having strong side effects that are not at all uncommon. In fact, this is why they are commonly prescribed in pairs as it means that side effects can be minimized, though elimination of them altogether is rare.

Is impaired vision a side effect of these meds? I haven't heard that specifically as being common and I doubt that it is but it would not surprise me to hear it.

However, you should not be worrying about the meds if you value your eyesight. High blood pressure itself presents a risk of going blind. Some people's high blood pressure is actually diagnosed when they get their eyesight checked because they present with damaged blood vessels of the retina that can be seen by the opthamologist/optometrist.

So what should you do then? On the one hand you could get a raft of side effects and on the other you might lose your vision or be more likely to suffer from a heart attack or stroke. I recommend that you speak to your doctor about all your options but also consider natural methods such as modifying your diet.

Natural methods for treating hypertension are not some inexact science, in fact one of the largest studies ever carried out by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute showed that a great reduction in blood pressure could be obtained through diet alone. Other lifestyle modifications can also make a big difference. The end result is that you may not need drugs at all or, if still needed, you can take a much lower dose than otherwise and therefore suffer fewer side effects.

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Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Teas That Help With Blood Pressure?

What teas can help with blood pressure that is too high?

It's worth first mentioning that some people think that tea is bad for your blood pressure because it contains caffeine. Whilst drinking tea or coffee can affect your blood pressure reading if taken just before, caffeine is not necessarily bad for you. There is no hard evidence of it.

In fact, tea contains many healthy compounds such as catechins. But, more importantly, many teas contain L-theanine, a natural sedative amino acid. This reduces mental and physical stress which is one of the big three important factors implicated in high blood pressure (the others are diet and exercise).

L-theanine is most abundant in green tea but is also present in lesser amounts in other teas too. You don't even need to drink the tea frequently if you don't want to as there are also supplements available.

L-theanine is fast acting and usually comes on in about 30 minutes. The ideal dosage is not clear but most people take a dose of between 50 and 200 mg at a time. The FDA advise no more than 1200 mg over 24 hours. Obviously, it is always best to spread a dose during such a period instead of taking a single dose of 1200 mg each day.

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High Blood Pressure And Bloodshot Eyes/Red Eyes

If you have bloodshot or red eyes, does this mean you might have high blood pressure?

There is a small possibility that you might. In extreme cases of high blood pressure, damage occurs to the eyes though usually to the retina and this can only be observed by an eye doctor who will shine a torch to illuminate your retina which is at the back of the eyeball (it's where images are focused in the eyeball). Many people are diagnosed with high blood pressure in this way and who previously had no idea that they had this condition.

However, that does not mean that bloodshot eyes can ever be a reliable indicator of high blood pressure. In the vast majority of cases, there are no visible symptoms at all. That is why high blood pressure is also known as the "silent killer". Do not wait for visible symptoms because that is like playing with fire and is a crazy strategy to take for your personal health.

The other thing to also remember is that bloodshot eyes can have many, many different causes. Often, there may be nothing wrong with you at all. At other times, it could be a side effect of drugs. Many times it will simple be a result of your environment e.g. due to cigarette smoke. Bloodshot eyes on a regular basis needs checking out by your doctor anyway but there is no reason to think that the cause will be extremely high blood pressure worthy of an emergency visit to the hospital, more likely it will be something else.

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Tuesday, 30 August 2011

115/75 Blood Pressure - What's So Special About This Magic 115/75 Value?

115/75 is considered to be the healthy value of blood pressure to aim for. In actual fact, there is some disagreement among doctors because some say that 112/80 is OK. The way I see it is that anywhere between the two is OK but you should aim to try and reach 115/75 if you can.

115/75 is basically healthy blood pressure. Below it means you have hypotension ("hypo" means "under" or "below") which is too low a blood pressure. Most people don't have this particular problem and anyway it is not particularly unhealthy to have slightly low blood pressure. These people need to watch out for drugs or other things that might combine together to give them abnormally blood pressure.

Anything above 120/80 is high blood pressure. In years gone by, doctors used to think that having up to 140/90 was OK. This narrow range was called "pre-hypertension". Above 140/90, you have something called Stage I hypertension and then Stage II hypertension etc.

So if you went to the doctor and had a b.p. of 130/85 he would say to you "don't worry, you don't have high blood pressure but you should probably do something about it because you have a risk of developing it in future".

These days, doctors will not say this anymore. This is because anything over 120/80 is actually causing damage to your body. Doctors can no longer send you away in the above case and tell you to "think about it". Anything over 120/80 needs to be addressed sooner rather than later because cardiovascular damage means an increased risk of heart attack and stroke that is, frankly, needless.

How To Get To 115/75

There are many ways. The obvious one is drugs and various regimes have been in place for decades and are still evolving. One of the major problems is side effects. With most health conditions and the drugs you can take, side effects are really quite rare. But with high blood pressure, side effects are unfortunately quite common. If you don't believe me, you can do your own research and you will see exactly what I am talking about.

Your typical doctor will start you on a common drug pairing and then monitor your blood pressure and ask you how your side effects are. Then he may try a different pairing and see if there is improvement on both counts. The aim is to try to maximize the benefit but minimize the side effects.

The alternative is natural methods. These involve changes to your diet and lifestyle. Basically, living in a much healthier way. But you don't need to become a fitness fanatic or a vegan to succeed with this method. Specific small changes can have quite large and profound effects if you are selective in your changes.

Also, don't forget that you can also use a combination of drugs and natural methods. This means that you can take lower doses of drugs that will have far fewer side effects. Many people choose to do this and doctors are strongly encouraging natural methods these days which is quite surprising when you consider how much money they make from marketing drugs.

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Hypertension Quick Fix? What Can You Try?

Need a hypertension quick fix? Well, there are certainly some things that you can do immediately. But let's first be clear about this.

Overcoming hypertension (or high blood pressure as others know it) can be done in two ways.

First, you can take drugs. These don't work directly on your arteries to widen them but they work on other areas of the body which then in turn have an effect on your blood pressure. The problem with this approach is side effects.

For example, diuretic drugs are in the top 5 prescribed drugs in the USA. They help you to eliminate water fast but also sodium. This means that your sodium to potassium ratio goes down and hence your arteries widen and your blood pressure goes down. But the obvious side effect is that you have to frequently go to the toilet to urinate!

Drugs have some effect pretty quickly. But they don't necessarily fix your problem immediately. Your doctor will give you drugs in pairs (to minimize the side effects) but this also means that he may need to ask you to come back on several occasions until he gets the right pair of drugs that are best for you i.e. most benefit for minimal side effects. This can take several months.

What About Natural Methods?

Natural methods are all about changing your diet, your lifestyle and your environment over time and these help to bring your blood pressure down.

Look, I'm not going to lie to you - this is generally speaking NOT a quick fix for hypertension. It will involve some trial and error and it is also not easy to go from a generally unhealthy lifestyle to a generally healthy lifestyle - old habits die hard, as they say.

Still, there are other things that you can do straight away that are pretty easy and are the closest thing that you are going to find to a quick fix: supplements.


Garlic supplements are maybe the most beneficial. Garlic, but also onions to a lesser extent, contain a substance known as allicin which is a powerful vasodilator and opens up the arteries, thus reducing your blood pressure. If you are going to take them, make sure to run it by your doctor first, especially if you are taking blood thinning medication already e.g. Warfarin.

Vitamin supplements are also a good idea. If you are deficient in certain B vitamins but also vitamin C and D then it can raise your blood pressure. The best way to get vitamins is via your diet but supplements are better than nothing.

Fiber supplements won't do anything for your blood pressure but they will help normalize your cholesterol which ultimately will help your overall cardiovascular health and is the same shared aim you have by wanting to get rid of your hypertension. If you don't get enough fiber in your diet already then I strongly recommend them. One of the most popular brands is Metamucil.

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Monday, 29 August 2011

MSG And High Blood Pressure - Are They Related?

MSG and high blood pressure - are they related. Moreover, is it safe to eat MSG or could MSG actually be causing your blood pressure to rise?

MSG stands for monosodium glutamate. Basically, it is a compound that includes sodium. Does this mean that, like salt (sodium chloride), it could increase your sodium levels and then lead to high blood pressure? It sounds logical doesn't it?

Well, there are at least two studies that show that MSG is indeed linked to high blood pressure. You can see them here:

Though that mind sound conclusive, consider that two studies is not very many at all. Much more research needs to be done to determine the clinical effects.

MSG has also been implicated in many other health conditions too.

But the truth is far from clear on MSG. Foods that contain MSG tend to contain a lot of salt too so it is hard to separate the two. Probably you do not have to get rid of it from your diet completely if you want to lower your blood pressure naturally. It is better to concentrate on basic salt levels and avoid things like processed or ready-made foods which tend to be rich in both.

Also, the effects of MSG, if any, are likely to be much less than for salt. MSG contains around one-third of the sodium that salt does. Probably the bad health effects of MSG in relation to high blood pressure are exaggerated. That said, it is thought by many to have a broader range of negative health implications compared to salt.

It is a myth that MSG can be found mainly in Chinese food. You will find that it is used abundantly in Western processed food too. MSG is hidden in many things without being explicitly labelled. For example, it is definitely in your food if you see any of the following ingredients on the label: hydrolyzed vegetable protein, yeast extract, texture protein, sodium caseinate.

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Baking Soda For Blood Pressure - Does It Work?

How about baking soda for blood pressure treatment? It seems that baking soda is versatile and can be used for all sorts of ailments...right?


Baking soda is not something that you should use to treat your high blood pressure. For starters, there's no evidence that it will actually do anything helpful.

Baking soda is good for cleaning things. But it is not all that great as some kind of natural cure for pretty much anything. The same goes for apple cider vinegar, despite what people may have told you.

In fact, baking soda is high in sodium and excess sodium in the body (in relation to potassium) is well known to cause narrowing of the arteries and therefore high blood pressure. So I strongly recommend that you do not dose with baking soda in an attempt to cure yourself.

The Natural Approach

You do have the right idea by taking the natural approach though and cannot be faulted for that. Many drug regimes are not necessary at all and this includes for high blood pressure in many cases. Only those who have extremely high blood pressure that must be controlled immediately, or those who have genuinely tried all natural methods but to no avail - should be taking drugs.

Otherwise, you should definitely try the natural approach. It is free of side effects that drugs would give and also you will benefit from an overall enhanced cardiovascular health which means lowered risk of heart attack, stroke but also lower cholesterol and rates of cancer too.

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When To Go To The Hospital For High Blood Pressure? Are You Sure You Know?

When to go to the hospital for high blood pressure?

One of the biggest myths about high blood pressure is that you can have moderately high blood pressure and that is "OK".

It's not. And doctors are starting to tell their patients that they need to do something because all the time their blood pressure is raised above 120/80, they are doing damage to their bodies which is increasing their risk of heart attack and stroke. There are no two ways around it or any excuses.

OK, so when do you need to see a doctor or go to the hospital?

Anything above 120/80 is considered high blood pressure and you need to work at getting it back to this level or below.

Prehypertension is anything above that and up to 140/90 but, remember, it is still damaging.

Stage I hypertension is up to 160/100. All doctors still agree you need to do something about it soon.

Stage II hypertension is above 160/100. You could be doing yourself some great damage at this stage. Much higher than that and you probably need to get emergency treatment to reduce it. But you are unlikely to discover this by accident.

Basically, if your b.p. is higher than 120/80, do something about it to get it under control. If it is real high then you may need to go onto drugs immediately, whether you like it or not. Later, you can use natural methods alone. If you are Stage I or lower then you can probably use natural methods alone from the beginning, so long as you are committed and focused. Of course, see your doctor too because I am not a doctor, I am merely someone who used to have high blood pressure myself.

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How To Correct Blood Pressure? You Don't Need Drugs

How to correct blood pressure? First, you need to understand why it is happening in the first place.

High blood pressure happens when your arteries narrow. Like a hose pipe being squeezed. If they get too narrow then you could end up with a heart attack or a stroke.

So how can you widen your arteries and thus cure your high blood pressure?

You could take drugs. They help the arteries widen but at some expense. Because it's not like the drugs you take will directly target your arteries. They don't. They do something else to your body which then has the after-effect of widening your arteries. Because it's not targeted, that's why you get the nasty side effects.

What you really need to do is reverse what got you into the position of narrowed arteries in the first place. Basically, it boils down to your diet, exercise levels and stress levels.

The modern diet causes high blood pressure. Too much salt, too much red meat, not enough fiber or fruit and vegetables. You need to start eating more healthily. Yes, there are some supplements you can take too but no single supplement will cure you. You need to take a broader approach to your diet and try not to take shortcuts.

Lack of exercise is also a problem. Actually, it's more about movement and not being confined to a chair all day. You don't have to go jogging every day. Think about it, there are plenty of people in the world who don't sweat bucketloads every day and are in great shape. They don't sit in offices all day. So some exercise is necessary, it doesn't have to be tons of it.

The other thing is stress. If you are stressed all the time, you need to change your situation. Stress hormones will kill you, it's that simple. Make whatever changes are necessary but don't ignore stress.

If you want to know how to get to the safe haven of 115/75 with a step-by-step drug free, 100% natural program then click here: Blood Pressure Truth.