Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Hypertension Quick Fix? What Can You Try?

Need a hypertension quick fix? Well, there are certainly some things that you can do immediately. But let's first be clear about this.

Overcoming hypertension (or high blood pressure as others know it) can be done in two ways.

First, you can take drugs. These don't work directly on your arteries to widen them but they work on other areas of the body which then in turn have an effect on your blood pressure. The problem with this approach is side effects.

For example, diuretic drugs are in the top 5 prescribed drugs in the USA. They help you to eliminate water fast but also sodium. This means that your sodium to potassium ratio goes down and hence your arteries widen and your blood pressure goes down. But the obvious side effect is that you have to frequently go to the toilet to urinate!

Drugs have some effect pretty quickly. But they don't necessarily fix your problem immediately. Your doctor will give you drugs in pairs (to minimize the side effects) but this also means that he may need to ask you to come back on several occasions until he gets the right pair of drugs that are best for you i.e. most benefit for minimal side effects. This can take several months.

What About Natural Methods?

Natural methods are all about changing your diet, your lifestyle and your environment over time and these help to bring your blood pressure down.

Look, I'm not going to lie to you - this is generally speaking NOT a quick fix for hypertension. It will involve some trial and error and it is also not easy to go from a generally unhealthy lifestyle to a generally healthy lifestyle - old habits die hard, as they say.

Still, there are other things that you can do straight away that are pretty easy and are the closest thing that you are going to find to a quick fix: supplements.


Garlic supplements are maybe the most beneficial. Garlic, but also onions to a lesser extent, contain a substance known as allicin which is a powerful vasodilator and opens up the arteries, thus reducing your blood pressure. If you are going to take them, make sure to run it by your doctor first, especially if you are taking blood thinning medication already e.g. Warfarin.

Vitamin supplements are also a good idea. If you are deficient in certain B vitamins but also vitamin C and D then it can raise your blood pressure. The best way to get vitamins is via your diet but supplements are better than nothing.

Fiber supplements won't do anything for your blood pressure but they will help normalize your cholesterol which ultimately will help your overall cardiovascular health and is the same shared aim you have by wanting to get rid of your hypertension. If you don't get enough fiber in your diet already then I strongly recommend them. One of the most popular brands is Metamucil.

Chronic Hypertensive Finds A 100% Natural, Scientifically Proven Way To Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Drugs, And Finally Reveals The Easy Steps You Could Already Be Taking To Reach The Promised Land of BP 115/75 - Click Here

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