Monday, 29 August 2011

When To Go To The Hospital For High Blood Pressure? Are You Sure You Know?

When to go to the hospital for high blood pressure?

One of the biggest myths about high blood pressure is that you can have moderately high blood pressure and that is "OK".

It's not. And doctors are starting to tell their patients that they need to do something because all the time their blood pressure is raised above 120/80, they are doing damage to their bodies which is increasing their risk of heart attack and stroke. There are no two ways around it or any excuses.

OK, so when do you need to see a doctor or go to the hospital?

Anything above 120/80 is considered high blood pressure and you need to work at getting it back to this level or below.

Prehypertension is anything above that and up to 140/90 but, remember, it is still damaging.

Stage I hypertension is up to 160/100. All doctors still agree you need to do something about it soon.

Stage II hypertension is above 160/100. You could be doing yourself some great damage at this stage. Much higher than that and you probably need to get emergency treatment to reduce it. But you are unlikely to discover this by accident.

Basically, if your b.p. is higher than 120/80, do something about it to get it under control. If it is real high then you may need to go onto drugs immediately, whether you like it or not. Later, you can use natural methods alone. If you are Stage I or lower then you can probably use natural methods alone from the beginning, so long as you are committed and focused. Of course, see your doctor too because I am not a doctor, I am merely someone who used to have high blood pressure myself.

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