Thursday, 1 September 2011

Can Blood Pressure Meds Make You Go Blind?

Can blood pressure meds make you go blind? Well, not that I have heard about.

Blood pressure meds are well known for having strong side effects that are not at all uncommon. In fact, this is why they are commonly prescribed in pairs as it means that side effects can be minimized, though elimination of them altogether is rare.

Is impaired vision a side effect of these meds? I haven't heard that specifically as being common and I doubt that it is but it would not surprise me to hear it.

However, you should not be worrying about the meds if you value your eyesight. High blood pressure itself presents a risk of going blind. Some people's high blood pressure is actually diagnosed when they get their eyesight checked because they present with damaged blood vessels of the retina that can be seen by the opthamologist/optometrist.

So what should you do then? On the one hand you could get a raft of side effects and on the other you might lose your vision or be more likely to suffer from a heart attack or stroke. I recommend that you speak to your doctor about all your options but also consider natural methods such as modifying your diet.

Natural methods for treating hypertension are not some inexact science, in fact one of the largest studies ever carried out by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute showed that a great reduction in blood pressure could be obtained through diet alone. Other lifestyle modifications can also make a big difference. The end result is that you may not need drugs at all or, if still needed, you can take a much lower dose than otherwise and therefore suffer fewer side effects.

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