Water fasting is a technique that is usually used to either lose weight or "cleanse" the body. But some people have also tried using it for lowering their high blood pressure. Let's see how this might work.
Water fasting is one of the most extreme diet regimes out there. During the fast, you can only drink water and nothing else. It can be done for a day or two or three days or longer. Some people reportedly fast for up to 30 days but that frankly sounds dangerous to me!
Before you think about doing a water fast you should do plenty of research into it. That's because a water fast can actually increase your blood pressure if you don't do it properly. If your reading is already very high then such a move could put you into extremely dangerous territory.
For example, some people say that using distilled water is a bad idea as it can flush the potassium out of your body, less so than for your sodium. Thus your potassium-to-sodium ratio is worsened, your arteries narrow and your blood pressure goes up. On the other hand, some experts recommend using distilled water! They say that your blood pressure may rise temporarily but it will normalize when you reach close to two weeks fasting. It can get very confusing indeed!
Water fasting is certainly not something without adverse effects which even its biggest proponents will admit. It is hard on the kidneys and it is a severe shock to your metabolic system.
If you do decide to do a water fast, it's advisable to speak to your doctor soon. He will probably not condone it but, if you still want to go through with it, then he can at least do some cursory checks. This is even more important if you have other medical conditions in which case he may forbid you to even try as it could be too much stress on your body. For example, if you have diabetes then it is not a good idea at all to do a water fast.
One other thing to say is that if you get any sudden changes in your blood pressure or any other vital signs during your fast then you should break the fast and resume normal activities immediately and not resume it before speaking to your doctor again.
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ounds like you know the answer to your own question... you have to start eating more healthy, more balanced MEALS. The only way to tell if you have high or low blood pressure is to take your blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer... fancy name for a blood pressure cuff. I don't know if you have the funds, but it would put your mind at ease to have a yearly check-up. Hope this info helps.